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full moon paddle
have you ever wanted to paddle under the light of the moon? or have the ultimate date night in niagara-on-the-lake? come experience the full moon in a unique way with our full moon paddles. the moon will guide us as our paddles light up the RIVER and the stars twinkle above us. only four dates available for the summer, reserve your board early!
$60/PP (1.5HR)
times vary with moon see dates for time
2024 DATES
Friday June 21 - Strawberry Moon (Kayak Only) 8:30pm-10pm
Sunday July 21 - Sturgeon Moon 8:30pm -10pm
Monday August 19-Blue Moon 7:30pm-9:00pm
Tuesday September 17- Corn/Harvest Moon (Kayak Only) 6:30pm-8pm
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